Saturday 17 March 2012

Welcome to Mrs Scales' blog for year 11 English

Hi folks
This is for you guys who would like to improve your grades at GCSE English and are willing to do some work over Easter.

Below are some suggestions of work you can be doing on your own - and anything you do and give to me I will mark and return to you within a week.

Good luck and don't forget to eat some chocolate while doing it!

Mrs Scales

English Language

Non-fiction texts
Set yourself a time limit
1     Get yourself a newspaper or magazine, find an article and identify 4
       facts and 4 opinions in it. Remember to write them in sentences.
2     What is the purpose of the writing? Who is the audience?
3     Now look for the different methods the writer uses to make their point - look
       for how they use facts and opinions, what kind of language do they use
       and how they move their argument or article on.
4     Now look just at presentational devices. Make a complete list of
       presentational devices used e.g. bold / colour / images etc and for each one
       explain how the device is used to help achieve the author's purpose.

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