Sunday 18 March 2012

Essay writing for Literature

There is always a choice of TWO questions on The Crucible but you have to answer both parts of the ONE question on Of Mice and Men.

You have 1 1/2 hours to write about both books.
Plan your time wisely.
Answer the question asked and not the one you think they should have asked!
Use the format:
   P      E      E      D      L
Always remember there is an author at work behind the story; what kinds of language do they use to paint a picture of their characters and the times in which they lived? (This can mean the author's use of description or the words they have their characters use.) What other techniques do they use e.g. what settings are they scene in? With whom do they interact and how? How do you know what the author feels about the character?

Try writing one or more of these [part] essays on Of Mice and Men:
  1. How does Steinbeck present the character of Curley's wife?
  2. How does Steinbeck present the character of Crooks?
  3. How does Steinbeck present the character of Slim?
  4. How does Steinbeck present the character of George?
  5. How does Steinbeck present the character of Lennie?
  6. How does Steinbeck present the character of Curley?
  7. How does Steinbeck present the character of Candy?
  1. How do the other characters treat Curley's wife in the novel? What does this tell you about attitudes to women in the society in which she lives? 
  2. How do the other characters treat Crooks in the novel? What does this tell you about attitudes to  black people in the society in which he lives?
  3. How do the other characters treat  Slim in the novel?What does this tell you about the use and abuse of power in the society in which he lived?
  4. How do the other characters treat  Lennie in the novel? What does this tell you about attitudes to  mentally retarded people in the society in which he lives?
  5. How does Curley treat the other characters in the novel? What does this tell you about the times in which this novel is set?
  6. How do the other characters treat  Candy in the novel? What does this tell you about attitudes to  old or infirm people in the society in which he lives ?

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