Thursday, 16 May 2013


Hi guys, so this is it, last minute how can I help time!
This one is for all of you who are asking how can we revise for English?

Literature 1
For Of Mice and Men and The Crucible you can obviously revise the plot, characters, themes and make sure you understand Miller / Steinbeck's methods and concerns in their writings. In addition make sure you have a bank of quotations you can use.

The main thing for this exam is showing you understand the underlying significance of the text, hidden meanings, implications, authors' opinions and attitudes and how they make you realise what they think. So use 'this shows' suggests, implies, tells us... to show the examiner you get why the author wrote it.

Literature 2 Poetry
For the Conflict poetry: make sure you know the best poem to compare any given poem with.
Identify words / images / devices the poets use to convey (get their message across) their opinions and feelings.
Explain in detail what the quotations you choose actually mean or show.
Identify techniques e.g. repetition, alliteration and give an example and explain what effect it has on the reader or what it makes you think of.
Always write 'this shows...' implies, suggests, has the effect of... etc
And don't forget to COMPARE! as you go is best! 'Similarly the poem / poet...' 'on the other hand the writer...' 'whereas in the poem...'

For the Unseen:
First of all use the question to guide your understanding of the topic of the poem.
Read the poem at least twice! Make an effort to understand it and the poet's point of view.
Use a highlighter to identify words, phrases, images, techniques you are going to mention in your essay.
Always use the question to guide your answer e.g 'the poet shows how they feel about... in '...' which shows ....' and 'another way the poet conveys their message is by the techniques of... which have the effect of...' ANSWER the question!
Use lots of quotations - SHORT ones! and explain each or a series of similar ones together.

For the Language Exam:
Section A
In this section you are being asked to identify FACTS. [this is called RETRIEVAL]
You are also asked what you learn this means you should write : 'I learned from this article that...' 'this implies that...' 'this suggests...' 'this shows...' [this is called INFERENCE] Make it crystal clear that you have learned an implication of the fact you have quoted.
Quote but also explain in your own words.

Section B
You have to write two longer pieces here from at least two of the following skills:

FORM                                                   )
AUDIENCE                                          ) Remember these!
PURPOSE                                             )

Use a range of techniques depending on the task:
Rule of 3, repetition, anecdote, opposites, personal 'I', appeal, emotive language, urgency, facts and statistics, threat, bribery, blackmail, direct address 'You' etc

Remember to start and end appropriately e.g. if it is a letter who is it to?
Dear Sir...         Yours Faithfully
Dear Mr Thorn...   Yours Sincerely

PARAGRAPHS - Willow that one's for you!
And STRUCTURE it! Firstly...In addition... furthermore... whereas... Finally... And use a range of different ideas and suggestions in your work.

If you could also make more creative vocabulary choices that would help too!

16 marks and 24 marks 1 1/2 minutes per mark! that's 24 and 36 minutes!

Best of luck all of you.
It's been great fun, I will miss you all but I am looking forward to continuing our association for those of you picking up Media or Philosophy A level.

Mrs S

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